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Creatine Use

Creatine Use  How to use creatine is a challenging question because prior to the use u most have to check whether it is working for your body or not. But Question is how to check answer is simple. start taking 10 mg of creatine as a test for one or one and half week. check your weigh. notice any change if you observed a change of around 1-2 kg it mean it is working other wise creatine is not working for you stop it if your weight is the same. How to Use it? Creatine has two phases of use. one is the loading phase and the other is the maintenance phase. At loading Phase you will have to take 20 gram of creatine for a week (7 day). This is called the loading Phase. After this Phase here come your maintenance phase in which 2-4 Gram creatine must be take ever day. if you are below 70 kg I would recommend 2-2.5 gram and above you can reach 4 if you are weighing 90 kg. For How Much days to Use it? The best duration according to researchers is 4-6 weeks usually 28-40 day followed b

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